VI.A. When and Who. At the end of each campaign game night, the players present must resolve all activities together. They must also do so for any players unable to be present that night. Any player not present may select a designee to represent his or her interests, or leave it to the group to act in a fair manner.
VI.B. Realm Army Battles.
VI.B.1. Uncontested Battle: one army invade an undefended tile. An undefended tile is any tile that does not have an army, tower, fortress, town, or citadel belonging to another player. For uncontested battles, the sole player army involved in the activity automatically win the battle.
VI.B.2. Open Field Battle: when one realm army invade a defended tile that does not have a fortress, city, or a citadel belonging to another player. A defended tile is any tile that has an army, tower, fortress, town, or citadel belonging to another player. Each standard realm army is 1000 points. Each player rolls a D6 for each 500 points of army participating. If the player has one army acting, then 2D6 are rolled. If the player has two armies in the battle, then that player rolls 4D6.
Each D6 is modified as followed:
+1 if the player has earned one tactic point that turn.
+2 if the player has earned two tactic points that turn.
+1 if the player earned his tactic points from a WotR game.
+2 if the player actually used that army, fielding that particular named realm general along with his army.
+1 if at least one of the player’s army has a guard mission in the map tile being invaded or the player tile as a tower within the tile.
+1 for the player defending a mountain tile
The player rolling the highest wins the battle. In event of a tie, the defender wins. The winning player now control the tile. The loser must withdraw into an adjacent tile under friendly control. If there are multiple tiles the army can withdraw to, the army must withdraw to a tile currently with a friendly army, realm or garrison. If there are no eligible tile for withdrawal, the army is considered destroyed and the realm general lost to the game. Any mine in the tile is considered destroyed.
VI.B.3. Siege Battle: when one realm army has a siege order against a defended tile that has a fortress, town, or a citadel belonging to another player. Each standard realm army is 1000 points. Each player rolls a D6 for each 500 points of army participating. If the player has one army acting, then 2D6 are rolled. If the player has two armies in the battle, then that player rolls 4D6. Note that a fortress, town, or a citadel has a 500 points garrison army, thus yielding the owning player an extra D6.
Each D6 is modified as followed:
+1 if the player has earned one tactic point that turn.
+2 if the player has earned two tactic points that turn.
+1 if the player earned his tactic points from a WotR game.
+2 if the player actually used that army, fielding that particular named realm general along with his army.
+1 for the player controlling the town
+2 for the player controlling the fortress or citadel
+1 for the player defending a mountain tile
The player rolling the highest wins the battle. In event of a tie, the defender wins. The winning player now control the tile. The loser army is considered destroyed and the realm general lost to the game. The town or citadel is now downgraded to a fortress and the fortress is now downgraded to a tower. Any mine in the tile is considered destroyed.
VI.C. Fleet Battles.
VI.C.1. Sea Battle: when one fleet on a “to sea” mission from a port that is currently being blockaded by another player’s fleet. Each standard fleet is 500 points. Each player rolls a D6 for each fleet participating.
Each D6 is modified as followed:
+1 if the player has earned one tactic point that turn.
+2 if the player has earned two tactic points that turn.
+1 if the player earned his tactic points from an Uncharted Seas game.
The player rolling the highest wins the battle. In event of a tie, the defender wins. If the winning player controls the port, the losing must return to the closest friendly port and cannot take any activities for a turn. If the winning player was blockading the port, the losing player must return to port. If there are no friendly port to return to, the fleet is considered destroyed.
VI.C.2. Uncontested Sea Assault: when a “sea assault” mission is assaulting an undefended tile. An undefended tile is any tile that does not have an army, tower, fortress, port town, or citadel belonging to another player. The player conducting the Sea Assault automatically wins control of the tile. Any mine in the tile is considered destroyed.
VI.C.3. Contested Sea Assault: when a “sea assault” mission is assaulting a defended tile. A defended tile is any tile that has an army, tower, fortress, port town, or citadel belonging to another player. Each fleet can transport one realm army of 1000 points. Each player rolls a D6 for each 500 points of army participating. If the player has one army acting, then 2D6 are rolled. If the player has two armies in the battle, then that player rolls 4D6. Note that a fortress, town, or a citadel has a 500 points garrison army, thus yielding the owning player an extra D6.
Each D6 is modified as followed:
+1 if the player has earned one tactic point that turn.
+2 if the player has earned two tactic points that turn.
+1 if the player earned his tactic points from a WotR game.
+2 if the player actually used that army, fielding that particular named realm general along with his army.
+1 for the player controlling the town
+2 for the player controlling the fortress or citadel
+1 for the player defending a mountain tile
The player rolling the highest wins the battle. In event of a tie, the defender wins. The loser army is considered destroyed and the realm general lost to the game. The town or citadel is now downgraded to a fortress and the fortress is now downgraded to a tower. Any mine in the tile is considered destroyed.
VI.D. Raids. Each player’s raiding army rolls a D6. This is the number of Empire Points the target of the raid will lose. This D6 is modified as followed:
+1 if the player has earned one tactic point that turn.
+2 if the player has earned two tactic points that turn.
+1 if the player earned his tactic points from a LotR SBG game.
VI.E. Force Maintenance. Determine how many realm armies and fleet compared to how many fortress, citadel, and ports the player has. Any excess realm army or fleet must be disbanded if there are not enough citadel, fortress, or ports. The named hero leading the army to be disbanded will be lost to the player and will be available to be recruited again later by any player.
VI.F. Hero Recruitment. All players recruiting named heroes use the same process as drafting generals and heroes. See II.C. and II.D.
VI.G. Empire Points
VI.G.1. Each player starts with 6 empire points in their treasury.
VI.G.2. One empire point is collected each campaign turn per tile controlled
+1 per fortress controlled
+2 per citadel controlled
+3 per town (+4 for town in a river tile) controlled
+D3 per mine tile (D3+1 for mine in a river tile) controlled
+D6 for mine in a mountain tile controllled
VI.G.3. No empire points are collected if a controlled tile is currently interdicted.
VI.H. Map Tile Upgrade.
VI.H.1. Allowed only as long as the pieces are available.
VI.H.2. Build a mine. Not allowed in swamp tile. Costs 2 empire points in a mountain tile but only 1 empire point elsewhere.
VI.H.3. Build a tower. Allowable in any tile, even swamp. Costs 3 empire pointS.
VI.H.4. Upgrade a tower to a fortress. Not allowed if the tower is in a swamp tile. Costs 6 empire points.
VI.H.5. Upgrade a fortress to a town. Allowed only if the fortress is in a farm tile. Costs 6 empire points.
VI.H.6. Upgrade a fortress to a citadel. Costs 6 empire points. Note each player may only control one citadel at a time as it represents his capital.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
2011 Spring Map Campaign Rule Discussion: Part V the Campaign Game
V.A. Campaign Night. All campaign games are to be played on campaign game night. Games on other nights can be arranged if announced ahead of time.
V.B. Campaign Game. Each campaign game can be with any of the three approved game systems: LotR SBG, WotR, Uncharted Seas. Only one game per campaign week will count as a campaign game.
V.B.1. LotR SBG. The player must field his Raid General. Total points will be at least 500 points and up to 700 points. The game must adhere to the rules of Strategy Battle Game and Legion of Middle Earth. Scenario to be played is up to the player. There are no restrictions as to who the player plays against as long as it is against another campaign player.
V.B.2. LotR WotR. The player must field one of his Realm General. Total points will be at least 1000 points. The game must adhere to the rules of WotR and most recent GW FAQ. Scenario to be played is up to the player. There are no restrictions as to who the player plays against as long as it is against another campaign player.
V.B.3. Uncharted Seas. The player must field at least the starter set from Spartan Games Uncharted Seas and up to 1000 points. Scenario to be played is up to the player. There are no restrictions as to who the player plays against as long as it is against another campaign player.
V.C. Tactic Points. Regardless of which game is played, a Major victory earns the player 2 Tactic Points and a Minor victory earns the player 1 Tactic Points. Tactic Points will be used to determine battles outcome. Tactic Points cannot be saved from one campaign turn to the next.
V.B. Campaign Game. Each campaign game can be with any of the three approved game systems: LotR SBG, WotR, Uncharted Seas. Only one game per campaign week will count as a campaign game.
V.B.1. LotR SBG. The player must field his Raid General. Total points will be at least 500 points and up to 700 points. The game must adhere to the rules of Strategy Battle Game and Legion of Middle Earth. Scenario to be played is up to the player. There are no restrictions as to who the player plays against as long as it is against another campaign player.
V.B.2. LotR WotR. The player must field one of his Realm General. Total points will be at least 1000 points. The game must adhere to the rules of WotR and most recent GW FAQ. Scenario to be played is up to the player. There are no restrictions as to who the player plays against as long as it is against another campaign player.
V.B.3. Uncharted Seas. The player must field at least the starter set from Spartan Games Uncharted Seas and up to 1000 points. Scenario to be played is up to the player. There are no restrictions as to who the player plays against as long as it is against another campaign player.
V.C. Tactic Points. Regardless of which game is played, a Major victory earns the player 2 Tactic Points and a Minor victory earns the player 1 Tactic Points. Tactic Points will be used to determine battles outcome. Tactic Points cannot be saved from one campaign turn to the next.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A-Games Grand opening starting 1/14/2011 with LoTR scramble on Sunday
Information can be seen here on the A-Games website.
Monday, December 20, 2010
2011 Spring Map Campaign Rule Discussion: Part III Revised as Forces and Part IV as Campaign ActivitiesCampaign Activities
III. The Forces
III.A. Realm army.
III.A.1. A realm army must be led by a Realm General. Each realm army consists of the named hero and additional models to total 1000 points. Each realm army must be of the player’s faction. Up to 25% of the realm army may be of an allied force per WotR.
III.A.2. Only a realm army can conduct guard, invade, besiege, or interdict missions.
III.A.3 A realm army may not conduct a raid mission.
III.B. Raid army.
III.B.1. A raid army must be led by a Raid General. Each raid army consists of the named hero and additional models to total 500 points using Strategy Battle Game rules. The additional models must be of the same faction as or an ally of the named hero per Legions of Middle Earth.
III.B.2. A raid army may only conduct a raid mission.
III.C. Garrison army.
III.C.1. Garrison army composition is based on the player’s primary faction.
III.C.2. Each controlled tile with a fortress or a citadel has a garrison strength of 500 points of troops.
III.C.3. Each controlled tile with a town has a garrison strength of 500 points of troops.
III.C.4. Garrison armies do not have a named hero or any allies.
III.C.5. Garrison army are in addition to any realm armies currently located in the tile.
III.C.6. A garrison army can only guard its tile.
III.D. Unnamed hero limits. There are no limits to unnamed heroes.
III.E. Realm fleet. Each port may support a fleet.
III.E.1. Fleets may be chosen from any Uncharted Seas factions.
III.E.2. Each fleet is 500 points constructed per the Uncharted Seas rules.
III.F. Models note. Each player only needs the model he intends to play with on the table top. Player do not need to have the actual model for any named hero he has recruited. Player do not have to have Uncharted Seas models to have fleet actions in the campaign. Needless to say, if a player does not have the specific model required, he cannot play with what he does not have on the table top. See section V. and VI. for army and fleet action resolutions.
IV. Campaign Activities.
IV. A. Submit activities plan. At each gaming session and prior to actual game play, each player must submit his realm’s activities plan. Plans are revealed at the beginning of the gaming session prior to game determination.
IV .B. Army activities. Each army must be given a mission each turn. If no mission is specified for an army, it is by default holding in the current tile and continue its previous order. A mission must include the tile where the mission is to be performed.
IV.B.1. A guard mission is for an army to defend a controlled tile against possible invasion.
IV.B.2. An invade mission is for an army to enter an adjacent uncontrolled tile and win control.
IV.B.3. An interdict mission is for an army to enter an adjacent enemy controlled tile, surround and blockade an enemy fortress, citadel, or town. An interdicting army does not gain control of the tile it interdicts but the controlling player gains no economic value for the tile.
IV.B.4. A siege mission is for an army enter an adjacent enemy controlled tile containing a fortress, citadel, or town, fight a battle and win control of the tile.
IV.B.5. A raid mission is for a raid army to distrupt economic activities of a specified player’s realm.
IV.C. Navy activities. (optional) Each fleet must be given a mission each turn. If no mission is specified for a fleet, it will default stay in or return to its home port.
IV.C.1. A to sea mission is for a fleet to sail for open water. The fleet may also include one army of 1000 points.
IV.C.2. A sea assault mission is for a fleet, to invade a tile with its transported army.
IV.C.3. A blockade mission is for a fleet to blockade a port city. The owner of the port city retain control of the city but receives no economic income for the city.
IV.C.3. A raid mission is for a fleet at sea to distrupt economic activities of a specified player’s realm that has a port city.
IV.D. Maintenance activities
IV.D.1. In addition to its garrison, each player’s citadel can support one realm army and one raid army.
IV.D.2. In addition to its garrison, each player’s fortress can support one realm army.
IV.D.3. Each city can support its own garrison. In addition, each port city can support one fleet,
IV.D.4. Any excess realm army or fleet must be disbanded if there are not enough citadel, fortress, or ports. The named hero leading the army to be disbanded will be lost to the player and will be available to be recruited again later by any player.
IV.D.5. Note that realm hero cannot be lost due to maintenance activities.
IV.E. Recruiting activities. Activities plan may also include any “Recruit Named Hero” plan and how much “Empire Points” to be deducted from the players treasury.
IV.E.1. If the total number of a player’s realm armies is less than the number of fortress and citadel the player has, the player may recruit additional named hero to lead new realm armies to the number the realm may support.
IV.E.2. If the total of realm hero is less than the number of non-port cities the player has, the player may recruit additional named hero to become realm hero to the number the realm may support.
IV.E.3. All players recruiting named heroes use the same process as drafting generals and heroes. See II.C. and II.D.
IV.F. Collect empire points. Activities plan must also include “Empire Points” collected that turn and the total amount in the player’s treasury.
IV.G. Tile upgrade activities. Activities plan may also include any “Upgrade” plan and how much “Empire Points” to be deducted from the players treasury.
III.A. Realm army.
III.A.1. A realm army must be led by a Realm General. Each realm army consists of the named hero and additional models to total 1000 points. Each realm army must be of the player’s faction. Up to 25% of the realm army may be of an allied force per WotR.
III.A.2. Only a realm army can conduct guard, invade, besiege, or interdict missions.
III.A.3 A realm army may not conduct a raid mission.
III.B. Raid army.
III.B.1. A raid army must be led by a Raid General. Each raid army consists of the named hero and additional models to total 500 points using Strategy Battle Game rules. The additional models must be of the same faction as or an ally of the named hero per Legions of Middle Earth.
III.B.2. A raid army may only conduct a raid mission.
III.C. Garrison army.
III.C.1. Garrison army composition is based on the player’s primary faction.
III.C.2. Each controlled tile with a fortress or a citadel has a garrison strength of 500 points of troops.
III.C.3. Each controlled tile with a town has a garrison strength of 500 points of troops.
III.C.4. Garrison armies do not have a named hero or any allies.
III.C.5. Garrison army are in addition to any realm armies currently located in the tile.
III.C.6. A garrison army can only guard its tile.
III.D. Unnamed hero limits. There are no limits to unnamed heroes.
III.E. Realm fleet. Each port may support a fleet.
III.E.1. Fleets may be chosen from any Uncharted Seas factions.
III.E.2. Each fleet is 500 points constructed per the Uncharted Seas rules.
III.F. Models note. Each player only needs the model he intends to play with on the table top. Player do not need to have the actual model for any named hero he has recruited. Player do not have to have Uncharted Seas models to have fleet actions in the campaign. Needless to say, if a player does not have the specific model required, he cannot play with what he does not have on the table top. See section V. and VI. for army and fleet action resolutions.
IV. Campaign Activities.
IV. A. Submit activities plan. At each gaming session and prior to actual game play, each player must submit his realm’s activities plan. Plans are revealed at the beginning of the gaming session prior to game determination.
IV .B. Army activities. Each army must be given a mission each turn. If no mission is specified for an army, it is by default holding in the current tile and continue its previous order. A mission must include the tile where the mission is to be performed.
IV.B.1. A guard mission is for an army to defend a controlled tile against possible invasion.
IV.B.2. An invade mission is for an army to enter an adjacent uncontrolled tile and win control.
IV.B.3. An interdict mission is for an army to enter an adjacent enemy controlled tile, surround and blockade an enemy fortress, citadel, or town. An interdicting army does not gain control of the tile it interdicts but the controlling player gains no economic value for the tile.
IV.B.4. A siege mission is for an army enter an adjacent enemy controlled tile containing a fortress, citadel, or town, fight a battle and win control of the tile.
IV.B.5. A raid mission is for a raid army to distrupt economic activities of a specified player’s realm.
IV.C. Navy activities. (optional) Each fleet must be given a mission each turn. If no mission is specified for a fleet, it will default stay in or return to its home port.
IV.C.1. A to sea mission is for a fleet to sail for open water. The fleet may also include one army of 1000 points.
IV.C.2. A sea assault mission is for a fleet, to invade a tile with its transported army.
IV.C.3. A blockade mission is for a fleet to blockade a port city. The owner of the port city retain control of the city but receives no economic income for the city.
IV.C.3. A raid mission is for a fleet at sea to distrupt economic activities of a specified player’s realm that has a port city.
IV.D. Maintenance activities
IV.D.1. In addition to its garrison, each player’s citadel can support one realm army and one raid army.
IV.D.2. In addition to its garrison, each player’s fortress can support one realm army.
IV.D.3. Each city can support its own garrison. In addition, each port city can support one fleet,
IV.D.4. Any excess realm army or fleet must be disbanded if there are not enough citadel, fortress, or ports. The named hero leading the army to be disbanded will be lost to the player and will be available to be recruited again later by any player.
IV.D.5. Note that realm hero cannot be lost due to maintenance activities.
IV.E. Recruiting activities. Activities plan may also include any “Recruit Named Hero” plan and how much “Empire Points” to be deducted from the players treasury.
IV.E.1. If the total number of a player’s realm armies is less than the number of fortress and citadel the player has, the player may recruit additional named hero to lead new realm armies to the number the realm may support.
IV.E.2. If the total of realm hero is less than the number of non-port cities the player has, the player may recruit additional named hero to become realm hero to the number the realm may support.
IV.E.3. All players recruiting named heroes use the same process as drafting generals and heroes. See II.C. and II.D.
IV.F. Collect empire points. Activities plan must also include “Empire Points” collected that turn and the total amount in the player’s treasury.
IV.G. Tile upgrade activities. Activities plan may also include any “Upgrade” plan and how much “Empire Points” to be deducted from the players treasury.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
2011 Spring Map Campaign Rule Discussion: Part III Campaign Activities
and addendum to Part II the Realm.
II.D. Drafting realm heroes. For each city not on the coast (a city on the coast is also referred to as a port) within a player’s realm, the player may recruit an additional named hero. However, this named hero does not come with an army and must be attached to an existing realm or raid army. He is considered a realm hero. The named hero may be either an epic hero or that of a legendary formation from the WotR book. Note that a few legendary formation requires two named heroes to be fielded. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest first and lowest roll last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
III. Campaign Activities.
III. A. Submit activities plan. At each gaming session and prior to actual game play, each player must submit his realm’s activities plan. Plans are revealed at the beginning of the gaming session prior to game determination.
III.B. Army activities. Each army must be given a mission each turn. If no mission is specified for an army, it is by default holding in the current tile and continue its previous order. A mission must include the tile where the mission is to be performed.
III.B.1. A guard mission is for an army to defend a controlled tile against possible invasion.
III.B.2. An invade mission is for an army to enter an adjacent uncontrolled tile and win control.
III.B.3. An interdict mission is for an army to enter an adjacent enemy controlled tile, surround and blockade an enemy fortress, citadel, or town. An interdicting army does not gain control of the tile it interdicts but the controlling player gains no economic value for the tile.
III.B.4. A siege mission is for an army enter an adjacent enemy controlled tile containing a fortress, citadel, or town, fight a battle and win control of the tile.
III.B.5. A raid mission is for a raid army to distrupt economic activities of a specified player’s realm.
III.C. Navy activities. (optional) Each fleet must be given a mission each turn. If no mission is specified for a fleet, it will default stay in or return to its home port.
III.C.1. A to sea mission is for a fleet to sail for open water. The fleet may also include one army of 1000 points.
III.C.2. A sea assault mission is for a fleet, to invade a tile with its transported army.
III.C.3. A blockade mission is for a fleet to blockade a port city. The owner of the port city retain control of the city but receives no economic income for the city.
III.C.3. A raid mission is for a fleet at sea to distrupt economic activities of a specified player’s realm that has a port city.
III.D. Maintenance activities
III.D.1. In addition to its garrison, each player’s citadel can support one realm army and one raid army.
III.D.2. In addition to its garrison, each player’s fortress can support one realm army.
III.D.3. Each port city can support one fleet,
III.D.4. Any excess realm army or fleet must be disbanded if there are not enough citadel, fortress, or ports. The named hero leading the army to be disbanded will be lost to the player and will be available to be recruited again later by any player.
III.D.5. Note that realm hero cannot be lost due to maintenance activities.
III.E. Recruiting activities. Activities plan may also include any “Recruit Named Hero” plan and how much “Empire Points” to be deducted from the players treasury.
III.E.1. If the total number of a player’s realm armies is less than the number of fortress and citadel the player has, the player may recruit additional named hero to lead new realm armies to the number the realm may support.
III.E.2. If the total of realm hero is less than the number of non-port cities the player has, the player may recruit additional named hero to become realm hero to the number the realm may support.
III.E.3. All players recruiting named heroes use the same process as drafting generals and heroes. See II.C. and II.D.
III.F. Collect empire points. Activities plan must also include “Empire Points” collected that turn and the total amount in the player’s treasury.
III.G. Tile upgrade activities. Activities plan may also include any “Upgrade” plan and how much “Empire Points” to be deducted from the players treasury.
II.D. Drafting realm heroes. For each city not on the coast (a city on the coast is also referred to as a port) within a player’s realm, the player may recruit an additional named hero. However, this named hero does not come with an army and must be attached to an existing realm or raid army. He is considered a realm hero. The named hero may be either an epic hero or that of a legendary formation from the WotR book. Note that a few legendary formation requires two named heroes to be fielded. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest first and lowest roll last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
III. Campaign Activities.
III. A. Submit activities plan. At each gaming session and prior to actual game play, each player must submit his realm’s activities plan. Plans are revealed at the beginning of the gaming session prior to game determination.
III.B. Army activities. Each army must be given a mission each turn. If no mission is specified for an army, it is by default holding in the current tile and continue its previous order. A mission must include the tile where the mission is to be performed.
III.B.1. A guard mission is for an army to defend a controlled tile against possible invasion.
III.B.2. An invade mission is for an army to enter an adjacent uncontrolled tile and win control.
III.B.3. An interdict mission is for an army to enter an adjacent enemy controlled tile, surround and blockade an enemy fortress, citadel, or town. An interdicting army does not gain control of the tile it interdicts but the controlling player gains no economic value for the tile.
III.B.4. A siege mission is for an army enter an adjacent enemy controlled tile containing a fortress, citadel, or town, fight a battle and win control of the tile.
III.B.5. A raid mission is for a raid army to distrupt economic activities of a specified player’s realm.
III.C. Navy activities. (optional) Each fleet must be given a mission each turn. If no mission is specified for a fleet, it will default stay in or return to its home port.
III.C.1. A to sea mission is for a fleet to sail for open water. The fleet may also include one army of 1000 points.
III.C.2. A sea assault mission is for a fleet, to invade a tile with its transported army.
III.C.3. A blockade mission is for a fleet to blockade a port city. The owner of the port city retain control of the city but receives no economic income for the city.
III.C.3. A raid mission is for a fleet at sea to distrupt economic activities of a specified player’s realm that has a port city.
III.D. Maintenance activities
III.D.1. In addition to its garrison, each player’s citadel can support one realm army and one raid army.
III.D.2. In addition to its garrison, each player’s fortress can support one realm army.
III.D.3. Each port city can support one fleet,
III.D.4. Any excess realm army or fleet must be disbanded if there are not enough citadel, fortress, or ports. The named hero leading the army to be disbanded will be lost to the player and will be available to be recruited again later by any player.
III.D.5. Note that realm hero cannot be lost due to maintenance activities.
III.E. Recruiting activities. Activities plan may also include any “Recruit Named Hero” plan and how much “Empire Points” to be deducted from the players treasury.
III.E.1. If the total number of a player’s realm armies is less than the number of fortress and citadel the player has, the player may recruit additional named hero to lead new realm armies to the number the realm may support.
III.E.2. If the total of realm hero is less than the number of non-port cities the player has, the player may recruit additional named hero to become realm hero to the number the realm may support.
III.E.3. All players recruiting named heroes use the same process as drafting generals and heroes. See II.C. and II.D.
III.F. Collect empire points. Activities plan must also include “Empire Points” collected that turn and the total amount in the player’s treasury.
III.G. Tile upgrade activities. Activities plan may also include any “Upgrade” plan and how much “Empire Points” to be deducted from the players treasury.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
2011 Spring Map Campaign Rule Discussion: Part II the Realm
Establish the Player's Realm.
II.A. Choose realm location. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest roll selects first and lowest roll selects last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
II.A.1. The first player chooses a fortress as his capital and replaces it with a citadel. Then the next player in descending order.
II.A.2. Once all players have chosen their citadels, each player may add an adjacent tile to his realm. This selection is performed in reverse order of citadel placement. Roll a D6, on a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.3. On a 5 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in descending order. Roll a D6, on a 5 or a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.4. On a 4 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in ascending order. Roll a D6, on a 4, 5 or a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.5. On a 3 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in descending order. Roll a D6, on a 3, 4, 5 or a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.6. On a 2 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in ascending order. Roll a D6, on a 2, 3, 4, 5 or a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.3. On a 1 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in descending order. Map tile selection ends.
II.B. Declare your primary faction.
II.B.1. The factions are based on War of the RIng: Arnor & Gondor, Rohan, Dwarves, Elves, Isengard, Mordor, Angmar, Fallen Realns, and Misty Mountain.
II.B.2. Two or more players may select the same faction.
II.C. Drafting the generals. All armies must be led by a named hero. Named hero may be either an epic hero or that of a legendary formation from the WotR book. Note that a few legendary formation requires two named heroes to be fielded. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest first and lowest roll last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
II.C.1. The highest pick his first named hero first, then the next player in descending order. Once chosen, a named hero cannot be chosen by another player.
II.C.2. Your first named hero must belong to your primary faction. He will be categorized as a Realm General.
II.C.3. Once all players have drafted one named hero, the last to choose will then draft his second named hero, then the next player in ascending order.
II.C.4. Your second named hero does not need to be from your primary faction or even an ally of your primary faction. However, if not of your primary faction or an ally of your primary faction, this hero will be categorized as a Raid General and can only lead Raid attacks and cannot augment the defense of your realm.
II.C.2. For each fortress within a player’s realm, the player may recruit an additional named hero. The order of recruitment of the 3rd hero should be in descending order. The order of recruitment of the 4th hero should be in ascending order.
Alternative to size of the realm would be for all to agree to the number of tiles each realm will start out with.
Update: 20101219:
II.D. Drafting realm heroes. For each city not on the coast (a city on the coast is also referred to as a port) within a player’s realm, the player may recruit an additional named hero. However, this named hero does not come with an army and must be attached to an existing realm or raid army. He is considered a realm hero. The named hero may be either an epic hero or that of a legendary formation from the WotR book. Note that a few legendary formation requires two named heroes to be fielded. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest first and lowest roll last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
II.A. Choose realm location. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest roll selects first and lowest roll selects last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
II.A.1. The first player chooses a fortress as his capital and replaces it with a citadel. Then the next player in descending order.
II.A.2. Once all players have chosen their citadels, each player may add an adjacent tile to his realm. This selection is performed in reverse order of citadel placement. Roll a D6, on a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.3. On a 5 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in descending order. Roll a D6, on a 5 or a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.4. On a 4 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in ascending order. Roll a D6, on a 4, 5 or a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.5. On a 3 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in descending order. Roll a D6, on a 3, 4, 5 or a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.6. On a 2 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in ascending order. Roll a D6, on a 2, 3, 4, 5 or a 6, map tile selection ends.
II.A.3. On a 1 or less, each player may select an additional map tile in descending order. Map tile selection ends.
II.B. Declare your primary faction.
II.B.1. The factions are based on War of the RIng: Arnor & Gondor, Rohan, Dwarves, Elves, Isengard, Mordor, Angmar, Fallen Realns, and Misty Mountain.
II.B.2. Two or more players may select the same faction.
II.C. Drafting the generals. All armies must be led by a named hero. Named hero may be either an epic hero or that of a legendary formation from the WotR book. Note that a few legendary formation requires two named heroes to be fielded. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest first and lowest roll last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
II.C.1. The highest pick his first named hero first, then the next player in descending order. Once chosen, a named hero cannot be chosen by another player.
II.C.2. Your first named hero must belong to your primary faction. He will be categorized as a Realm General.
II.C.3. Once all players have drafted one named hero, the last to choose will then draft his second named hero, then the next player in ascending order.
II.C.4. Your second named hero does not need to be from your primary faction or even an ally of your primary faction. However, if not of your primary faction or an ally of your primary faction, this hero will be categorized as a Raid General and can only lead Raid attacks and cannot augment the defense of your realm.
II.C.2. For each fortress within a player’s realm, the player may recruit an additional named hero. The order of recruitment of the 3rd hero should be in descending order. The order of recruitment of the 4th hero should be in ascending order.
Alternative to size of the realm would be for all to agree to the number of tiles each realm will start out with.
Update: 20101219:
II.D. Drafting realm heroes. For each city not on the coast (a city on the coast is also referred to as a port) within a player’s realm, the player may recruit an additional named hero. However, this named hero does not come with an army and must be attached to an existing realm or raid army. He is considered a realm hero. The named hero may be either an epic hero or that of a legendary formation from the WotR book. Note that a few legendary formation requires two named heroes to be fielded. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest first and lowest roll last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
2011 Spring Map Campaign Rule Discussion: Part I the Map
I. The World
I.A. The map set
I.A.1. Map tiles are hexagonal pieces that interconnect with other tiles.
There are six hexagonal mountain map tiles
There are 54 double sided hexagonal map tiles of 18 types.
I.A.2. There are 48 tile upgrade pieces
There are 6 citadel upgrades
There are 12 town upgrades
There are 12 fortress upgrades
There are 12 mine upgrades
There are 6 tower upgrades
I.A.3. There are 96 player flags in 8 colors (yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green, stone, and granite).
I.B. Generating the map. All players participate in creating the campaign map. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest first and lowest roll last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
I.B.1.Take the six mountain tiles and attach them together into a ring. These tiles form the center of the map. Compile all the other tiles into a pile to be selected one at a time at random.
I.B.2. One player then take one tile at random from the stack. That player then add that tile to the map in any location he chooses with any side facing up.
I.B.3. Note the following stipulation. Rivers can only be placed with one end connecting to a mountain or to another river, and must be placed such a way that the other end of the river is not blocked by another tile. The only thing that can connect to an already placed river is another river tile or a marsh. If it is impossible to place a river then flip it to the other side and add that side to the map instead.
I.B.4. Each player takes turn placing tile till all tiles have been placed.
I.B.5. The end result is an island with surrounding ocean.
I.C. Populating the map. The order of placement is reverse of that tile selection and placement.
I.C.1. First place towns. Towns can only be placed in tiles with farms. Towns in a coastal tile are also ports.
I.C.2. Once all towns have been placed, then place fortress. Fortress cannot be placed in in swamps.
I.D. Orienting the map. The map is oriented such that there are parallel, though slightly off setting, columns of hexagonal tiles.
The left most column is denoted as “A”
Individual tile is denoted by is column designation and the number of tile down from the top most tile.
I.A. The map set
I.A.1. Map tiles are hexagonal pieces that interconnect with other tiles.
There are six hexagonal mountain map tiles
There are 54 double sided hexagonal map tiles of 18 types.
I.A.2. There are 48 tile upgrade pieces
There are 6 citadel upgrades
There are 12 town upgrades
There are 12 fortress upgrades
There are 12 mine upgrades
There are 6 tower upgrades
I.A.3. There are 96 player flags in 8 colors (yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green, stone, and granite).
I.B. Generating the map. All players participate in creating the campaign map. All players roll a die to establish an order, highest first and lowest roll last. Resolve ties with a roll off.
I.B.1.Take the six mountain tiles and attach them together into a ring. These tiles form the center of the map. Compile all the other tiles into a pile to be selected one at a time at random.
I.B.2. One player then take one tile at random from the stack. That player then add that tile to the map in any location he chooses with any side facing up.
I.B.3. Note the following stipulation. Rivers can only be placed with one end connecting to a mountain or to another river, and must be placed such a way that the other end of the river is not blocked by another tile. The only thing that can connect to an already placed river is another river tile or a marsh. If it is impossible to place a river then flip it to the other side and add that side to the map instead.
I.B.4. Each player takes turn placing tile till all tiles have been placed.
I.B.5. The end result is an island with surrounding ocean.
I.C. Populating the map. The order of placement is reverse of that tile selection and placement.
I.C.1. First place towns. Towns can only be placed in tiles with farms. Towns in a coastal tile are also ports.
I.C.2. Once all towns have been placed, then place fortress. Fortress cannot be placed in in swamps.
I.D. Orienting the map. The map is oriented such that there are parallel, though slightly off setting, columns of hexagonal tiles.
The left most column is denoted as “A”
Individual tile is denoted by is column designation and the number of tile down from the top most tile.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Review-Base Contacts Large Oval Base
So, I recently purchased the newly released LoTR cave drake from my FLGS. While I was there I saw a base from a company that I had never heard of before, but was perfect for my new drake. The company Base Contacts had several different styles of bases that one can choose. I purchased the large oval rock base for $4.99.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
This Months Scenario's
This is just a reminder of what scenario's we will be playing this month.
Also, on 11/4 we will be meeting at A-Games Hobbies, for the address see the post below.
4-Ill met by Moonlight -pg 106
11-Reconnoitre -pg 114
18-Storm the camp -pg 104
25 -Thanksgiving-alternative day?
Also, on 11/4 we will be meeting at A-Games Hobbies, for the address see the post below.
4-Ill met by Moonlight -pg 106
11-Reconnoitre -pg 114
18-Storm the camp -pg 104
25 -Thanksgiving-alternative day?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Yet another game store in Richmond-and a reminder
Yep, another one, that makes 2 this year, which is great for us.
A-Games Hobbies
11232 Patterson Ave
Richmond, VA 23238-5011 It is next to the Subway Sandwich store
Also here is a link to some free excel based army builders
These are Legions of Middle Earth and War of The Ring based.
A-Games Hobbies
11232 Patterson Ave
Richmond, VA 23238-5011 It is next to the Subway Sandwich store
Also here is a link to some free excel based army builders
These are Legions of Middle Earth and War of The Ring based.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New rules for the October release of Dwarves/Goblins/Drake
Thanks again to Grashnar the Second of The Last Alliance
See them after the break, and they should make an interesting debate about points values/stat from the last post
See them after the break, and they should make an interesting debate about points values/stat from the last post
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Deconstructing LOTR SBG- point values
I've played around with the numbers and values for average warriors some and have come up with the following:
The basic warrior profile for SBG costs 5 points and has Fight skill 3, Str 3, Def 3, A 1, W1, C3 and move of 6, basic hand weapon.
Analysis after the break----
The basic warrior profile for SBG costs 5 points and has Fight skill 3, Str 3, Def 3, A 1, W1, C3 and move of 6, basic hand weapon.
Analysis after the break----
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Updated FAQ for WoTR
GW has updated the FAQ for War of The Ring to version 1.1. That means 0.1 fewer questions!!!!!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Blog post about "what it takes" to get people into Lord of The Rings table top wargaming
This one is over at Cursed Treasure. Let me know what you think.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Next couple of months scenarios
Here is the list of scenarios we will be playing, if you are interested in joining us, bring a 700 point Legions of Middle Earth legal army. Most of us are able to play either good or evil, so just bring what you have and we will adapt.
Date - scenario -page in LoME
7 -Take and hold -pg 111
14-Clash of Piquets -pg 113
21-Contest of Champions -pg 105
28-Meeting Engagement -pg 108
4-Ill met by Moonlight -pg 106
11-Reconnoitre -pg 114
18-Storm the camp -pg 104
25 -Thanksgiving-alternative day?
Date - scenario -page in LoME
7 -Take and hold -pg 111
14-Clash of Piquets -pg 113
21-Contest of Champions -pg 105
28-Meeting Engagement -pg 108
4-Ill met by Moonlight -pg 106
11-Reconnoitre -pg 114
18-Storm the camp -pg 104
25 -Thanksgiving-alternative day?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
How to make a wet palette
I started using one not too long ago, before the dark times, before the emp......oh wait..anyway. It has been nice addition to my painting. I can put paint on it, big drops of all the colors I plan
I started using one not too long ago, before the dark times, before the emp......oh wait..anyway. It has been nice addition to my painting. I can put paint on it, big drops of all the colors I plan
Differences between WoTR and SBG: calling actions
So, I wanted to start a discussion on some important differences between War of The Ring and Strategy Battle Game. First topic, calling actions which require might.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Update on the incoming Misty Mountains
So, word over at The One Ring is the release in October for Lord of The Rings will be a cave drake along with Floi Stonehand, Kings Champion in a 3 character box, Gundabad Blackshields and a command box for the Blackshields.
Edit: Here are better pics, courtesy of another The One Ring member Lorizael. Top to bottom Kins Champion Boxset, Gundabad Blackshield captain/drummer, Gundabad Blackshield Command Drum and shaman, Regular Gundabad blackshield, Floi Stonehand, Cave Drake, . Here is a link to a post by Scryer in the darkness with the figs in WoTR . Pics After the brake....
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Good basics videos from Lester Bursley
Two good videos covering brushes and paint selection.
Both are @ 25 minute long youtube videos
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Pics of the Golden Demons from Games Day 2010
Here is a compilation of all the winners From Games Day 2010.
Amazing freehand work on that Knight of The Empire.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Useful tools for your gaming toolbox
Here are some useful links
Army builders for SBG and WoTR as well as Magic/Spell Cards for SBG and WoTR
HT to Lonely Knight for all the work that went into these.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Misty Mountain update
Rumors swirl once again around the base of the Misty Mountains. With at least three blisters and two boxes expected there can be no doubt that one box will be a metal cave drake, the other a dwarf command with a horn blower. The blisters three will be: Floi Stonehand Loremaster of Moria, a Dwarf Ranger Captain, and Gundabad Blackshields that come four to a blister. What will come true, if I only knew, but please leave a comment if you have a clue.
I will see you later-as always-Jobu
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
New WoTR starter box coming?
Rumor of the day is there will be a new starter box for the Lord of The Rings games from Games Workshop. The box will contain an army from minas tirith and another army containing orcs. Orcs from somewhere, whether that is mordor(most likely) angmar or isenguard has yet to be verified.
Edit: Been told that it is a mordor army. Which means it will be an osgiliath type battle. WIth the new osgiliath terrain that makes sense.
Edit: Been told that it is a mordor army. Which means it will be an osgiliath type battle. WIth the new osgiliath terrain that makes sense.
This box is also rumored to contain new wargs, which are bigger than the current ones, whether they have riders or not has yet to be determined. Maybe wild (i.e. misty mountains) wargs are smaller than mordor/isenguard bred wargs?
Take it all with a grain of salt as this is pretty slim information.
And to you I say "Good day sir!"
Monday, July 26, 2010
New GW models "snap together"?
So, I was looking at what was new today, and even though it was all WFB news I read about the two geedubbs assembling their models. I was shocked to run across the phrase "even though all the models snap together".....wait, did I read that right? They SNAP together. Holy Anti-Hobby Batman! Guess I will have to wait and see the models in that kit to really determine if this is a real decline in the hobby side if GW or not.
Here is a Link to the what's new section of GW site.
It is just to make it easier for people starting the hobby to get things assembled.
Turns out a lot of the starter kits come this way, and have been this way for a while. Guess I have never really looked closely at the WFB/40K starter kits when they were on a sprue.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The joy and pain of painting miniatures....when you are 4
My daughter got into my paints this morning while I was in the shower. She did not pick up a color on my workbench(mostly greens/blues/browns) she got into my storage and picked out a purple vallejo model color (read very thick paint when used undiluted). Luckily she only painted one rohan royal gaurd(only primed but all detail was gone, it was more of a rohan royal purple blob after she was done) and one wood elf( fully painted just last night :( but she only got the arrows and the head) before I caught her. She emptied 90% of the paint bottle into various wells of my palette and destroyed one of my kolinsky brushes by crushing the brush onto my cutting mat to make stars. Nothing like puddles of purple paint to clean up, good times :).
I usually let her paint them when she asks me. I get out some mini that I am not concerned about, a palette , water and some paints. I then let her go to town with my only instruction: wash and dry your brush between colors. She usually makes a very cute multicolor randomly painted figure. I am pretty excited that she is interested. I am laughing about it now. I would have taken pics but I ran out of time.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Review of Micro Art Studio ruins bases
Since GW has no model of a generic Orc Captain on Warg and I wanted to give my dwarf heroes ( new favorite if those of you in the group can't tell ) some distinction. So I decided to base them in a unique way.
To that end I purchased some Gale Force 9 snow and some resin bases by Micro Art Studio. Both 25mm and 40 mm from our new FLGS.
To start off, the sculpts are really quite nice. Attention to detail extends to the texture on the rocks. They were also cast very well, no bubbles or deformations that I can make out even in the aformentioned details. They were also sanded flat on the bottom so there is no "lip" on the edges from the casting process.
Funny thing is, I washed one 40mm, scrubbed it with a toothbrush and soap to be exact, dried it with a towel and proceeded to prime it with my usual mix of black gesso and a little white paint. This priming method usually has no problems as far as coverage goes on plastic or metals. However, the MAS base acted very hydrophobic ( the gesso was balling up ) and it was very difficult to cover. At first I thought I had introduced some static electricity with the toothbrush and towel. To test this I grabbed a 25mm base and proceeded to wash it with my hands+soap. Rinsed it well and dried it by dabbing it instead of rubbing. Even went so far as to touch it to some metal on my work light. No dice, still very hydrophobic. I had to do 2 coats to get the entire thing covered. Maybe this is just a property of the resin MAS uses, although I have not run into this property from other resin pieces I have painted.
Overall, minor problem but I don't know how well a spray primer would work on these, so just be prepared to do more than one coat. When I am finally done with the actual painting part I will post a pic.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Incoming: Misty Mountains
From GW's newsletter:
Khazad-dûm, nestled below the mighty peaks of the Misty Mountains was once the greatest of all Dwarven holds - a place of beauty, light and artisanship unequalled. Now, however, it is the haunt of Moria Goblins, lumbering Cave Trolls and other, more terrible creatures.
For generations the Dwarves have longed to reclaim their ancestral home, fighting long and bitter wars against the Goblins who have usurped their cherished kingdom beneath the mountains.
This October the battle for dominion is set to intensify as both the armies of the Dwarf Holds and the Misty Mountains receive new reinforcements. With new miniatures for both factions, Good and Evil players have something to look forward to.
For more information about the Misty Mountains releases in October, watch out for future newsletters, keep an on the Games Workshop website and check out October's issue of White Dwarf. Players of the Strategy Battle Game will find rules to accompany all these models in November's issue of White Dwarf.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
BFG Gaming Session
I am planning on a BFG gaming session at 630 pm on Tuesday night on July 20th at the FTW game store. If you have a fleet and know how to play, great; bring 500 pts. If you don't learn how to play, no problems. Bring what you have or I'll lend you some models. I'll help you learn to game.
BFG resources: Rules and Fleet lists can be found here and
Turn Sequence
How to inflict damage
Update: Space tables at FTW Games, just waiting for us
BFG resources: Rules and Fleet lists can be found here and
Turn Sequence
How to inflict damage
Update: Space tables at FTW Games, just waiting for us
Monday, June 21, 2010
Chart for Paint equivalents
I have really become a fan of Vallejo paints, they dilute very well and are easy to handle. FOr those who are nervous about variability here is a paint equivalent chart for GW and Vallejo.
Chart for GW to Vallejo Game Color and Model Color
Edit: I knew a found another list somewhere, here it is, has reaper, P3, coat d arms and rackam. Not all are exact matches, but if you are trying to match something you have seen on the webs it should be a good place to start.
Edit: I knew a found another list somewhere, here it is, has reaper, P3, coat d arms and rackam. Not all are exact matches, but if you are trying to match something you have seen on the webs it should be a good place to start.
Friday, June 18, 2010
"New" Packaged Releases
So along with the "new" wargs some repackaged dunlendings came out. One may now order them w/shield, with bow or with a 2 handed weapon in 3 pack blister that are direct order only. Could this be due to a generic plastic wild men or plastic dunlending release coming? On another note, they are relatively cheap for a 3 pack, only $13.25 US. Probably one of the cheaper 3 packs available.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Paper Building
Here is a link to making paper buildings, including a bridge, and fortress walls and gate.
As an addendum:
Here is a link to some basic harad or desert style buildings, although they have a lot of stonework on them.
Remember, most of these are scaled to 25mm, not the heroic "28" (really 32) that fantasy and 40K fall under.
As an addendum:
Here is a link to some basic harad or desert style buildings, although they have a lot of stonework on them.
Remember, most of these are scaled to 25mm, not the heroic "28" (really 32) that fantasy and 40K fall under.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Painting tips
Aristo asked today where I read about painting tips and tricks.
Here are some of the websites:
Here are some of the websites:
The Painting Corps updates almost daily and links to a number of other sites.
The Painting Clinic is great for all the basics.
Terra Genesis is all about terrain...go figure.
This is a commercial page selling how to DVD's but still has some good tips.
Awesome Paint Job has a large number of useful videos and some good looking products.
Dakka Dakka has a huge collection of articles on many many topics.
Of course Cool Mini or Not is also a great site with a lot of articles.
And I forgot Massive Voodoo, which has a great blending article.
Well, that is about it, if anyone has any others please let me know and I will post.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Chance to win and donate to DWB
Santa Cruz Warhammer is raffling off a fully painted army. Painted by them, and if you have seem their work it is amazing. Each dollar gets you a single entry, the winner gets the fully painted Storm Wardens Space Marine army. They then donate all the proceeds to Doctors Without Borders. I guess it's win win then.
Here is a link to the details.
Here is a link to the details.
Battle report-it's long
Battle report 500pts
Corsairs Vs Rohan
Played in a wooded, hilly land containing a small village that was home to a giant
Scenario-Reconnoiter: Game ends when one person is reduced to 25%, to win, a player must get more units off their opponents table edge( minor victory ) or keep them from getting any while still getting at least one off ( major victory ).
Chris deployed his Arbalesters on either end of his board edge, with dalamyr, a Bo sun, corsiars and some reavers in the middle. It went: A small contingent of pirates and 2 reavers on my left, arbalesters, Dalamyr's group, arbalesters with a corsair and arbalester captain on my right.
I deploy 5 Riders of Rohan (RoR) on my left flank while Grimbold and helminguys w/ banner go in the middle. On my right flank I had 2 RoR, 2 Riders of Eorl (RoE AKA tanks ) and Erkenbrand on horse.
We both had 37 models.
Turn one – Rohan
I moved my RoR on my left a full move forward, followed by moving the cavalry on my right forward as well. Split my main group of foot soldiers into two to get around the village. This turned out to be a blessing and a curse.
The corsairs moved straight forward.
No one shot.
Turn two-Corsairs
Chris continued straight forward, moving his middle troops into the forest.
I made a half move with my left flank RoR hoping to kill a few corsairs before charging into them. In the middle I moved to confront Dalamyr and Bosun while a small group of helminguys try and get across the table. On the right I brought the RoE and Erkenbrand close enough to start to threaten Dalamyr in the middle ( RoE move 12 inches !) while moving the RoR on that side up the table to shoot at the arbalesters.
Shooting dismounted one RoR on my left flank and one on my right.
The RoR shot like pansies and did not hit a thing, corsairs taunted “na na na na boo boo my Grandma shoots better than you”. In a post fight interview with TTGN, Grandma confirms this.
Arbalesters shoot at Erkenbrand but fate saves the wound.
Turn three-Rohan
I move to the edge of the woods in the middle to tie up Dalamyr. Grimbold moves into the woods with the banner some helminguys.
RoR on left move directly right to keep shooting at the pirates one more turn.
RoR on right move forward along with dismounted RoR. Stray helminguys keep moving across table. RoE move to forest edge.
Sneaky Sneaky corsairs move to within 6 inches of my shield wall but not the guys with the throwing weapons behind them. A captain with the arbalesters on my right moves to intercept the helminguys trying to get across the board.
In the shoot phase I kill one pirate on the left, corsair arbalesters dismount another RoR on the right while killing one helminguy in the middle with a lucky shot through the forest, on my right they kill two helminguys innocently trying to get across the board.
Helminguys wonder why the pirates are sponsored by CutCo, they soon find out why as two are downed by the sharp knives.
Turn four-Corsairs
Dalamyr charges the left flank of the helminguys in the middle. CutCo claims another two victims. A reaver and some pirates stay in the woods to intercept my RoE.
Pirates and reavers on my left move forward. Arbalesters on my left move to the right. One arbalester on my left moves forward with their captain to intercept former RoR who are coming at them.
I charge corsairs/reavers on my left with 4 RoR and one on foot. Move to contain Dalamyr's group in the middle, my TW kill one corsair as they charge middle groups left flank. Move RoE further into woods. Move erkenbrand across the board to protect the innocent helminguys trying to get off the board and to attack those arbalesters moving across the board.
Arbalesters kill erks horse.
In combat I lose 2 RoR on my left who charged, they can not win the fight, even with two attacks. One manages to kill a corsair.
Lose a lot in the middle, can’t remember total, three I think. Still can not win fights ( most of my warriors are f3, his are f4/5).
Turn-5 Corsairs
I call heroic move with Grimbold, use it to charge into the middle again to try and contain dalamyr's group. Move one RoE out of the forest to back up erk and innocent helminguys trying to get off the board. My TW are not doing to hot.
Corsairs surround the remaining RoR and rohan warriors on my left, while dalamyr's group fully engages my middle troops. Arbalester and captain on my right charge former RoR warriors again.
Move erk into contact with reaver who was trying to intercept innocent helminguys trying to get off the board. Move some middle guys to help surrounded RoR and WoR charged by corsairs and reavers on my left.
In combat I am losing 2:1.
Turn 6 Rohan ( getting fuzzy, there was a lot going on too )
Move two innocent helminguys trying to get off the board off the board. I break in the middle of this turn, but I did not realize it. Erk and RoE charge Arbalesters who were moving across the board from my left. Move former RoR away from arbalesters on right towards board edge. Move former RoR on my left into one corsair (there are still 4 corsairs and 2 reavers here), those middle guys who were sent to help on the left , to the left some more. Charge into middle group again, one RoE and Grimbold charge his left flank guys.
Most of my heroes do well in combat, still lose about 2:1 though, especially in the middle. Killed two of his arbalesters that were moving across the board with erk and RoE.
Turn 7 – Rohan
At this point I was almost at 25%, I had 2 models off the table and he had none. He was at 50%, every time he won a fight he chose not to land a blow, to keep the game going. I killed a couple of more corsairs, including another 2 arbalesters that had been moving across the board.
Turn 8- Corsair
Almost a repeat of last turn, except he moved his models on my left flank closer to the board edge and tried to ignore my models, he was close to getting five off the board.
I sent my RoE into his arbalesters on his left side and moved erk and the dismounted RoR closer to the board edge. Killed some more of his corsairs but not enough to get him to 25%.
Turn 9 Rohan
I charge his arbalesters on his left with a RoE, move erk and the former RoR closer to the edge while charging into the corsairs/dalamyr/bosun in the middle. He moves 2 models off the board edge with another 3 close behind. He does not shoot and during combat I kill another 2 of his models but any combat the corsairs win they do not strike blows.
Turn 10 Rohan
I move Erkenbrand and the former RoR off the board and that ends the game since I have less than 9 models left on the board.
Minor Victory for me. GG Maniacmime.
However, things may have been different had I remembered to start courage checks at the 50% mark, but then again, maybe not since erkenbrand would have been close enough to keep the innocent helminguys trying to get off the board on the board long enough to get off the board. On another note, corsairs are cheap, F4, D3, throwing weapon equipped warriors who cost the same as a wood elf with no equipment. Reavers are also a good buy with F5, TW and 2A. Maniacmime used no might the entire game even though I think he had 2 with a captain and 1 with Dalamyr.
Corsairs Vs Rohan
Played in a wooded, hilly land containing a small village that was home to a giant
Scenario-Reconnoiter: Game ends when one person is reduced to 25%, to win, a player must get more units off their opponents table edge( minor victory ) or keep them from getting any while still getting at least one off ( major victory ).
Chris deployed his Arbalesters on either end of his board edge, with dalamyr, a Bo sun, corsiars and some reavers in the middle. It went: A small contingent of pirates and 2 reavers on my left, arbalesters, Dalamyr's group, arbalesters with a corsair and arbalester captain on my right.
I deploy 5 Riders of Rohan (RoR) on my left flank while Grimbold and helminguys w/ banner go in the middle. On my right flank I had 2 RoR, 2 Riders of Eorl (RoE AKA tanks ) and Erkenbrand on horse.
We both had 37 models.
Turn one – Rohan
I moved my RoR on my left a full move forward, followed by moving the cavalry on my right forward as well. Split my main group of foot soldiers into two to get around the village. This turned out to be a blessing and a curse.
The corsairs moved straight forward.
No one shot.
Turn two-Corsairs
Chris continued straight forward, moving his middle troops into the forest.
I made a half move with my left flank RoR hoping to kill a few corsairs before charging into them. In the middle I moved to confront Dalamyr and Bosun while a small group of helminguys try and get across the table. On the right I brought the RoE and Erkenbrand close enough to start to threaten Dalamyr in the middle ( RoE move 12 inches !) while moving the RoR on that side up the table to shoot at the arbalesters.
Shooting dismounted one RoR on my left flank and one on my right.
The RoR shot like pansies and did not hit a thing, corsairs taunted “na na na na boo boo my Grandma shoots better than you”. In a post fight interview with TTGN, Grandma confirms this.
Arbalesters shoot at Erkenbrand but fate saves the wound.
Turn three-Rohan
I move to the edge of the woods in the middle to tie up Dalamyr. Grimbold moves into the woods with the banner some helminguys.
RoR on left move directly right to keep shooting at the pirates one more turn.
RoR on right move forward along with dismounted RoR. Stray helminguys keep moving across table. RoE move to forest edge.
Sneaky Sneaky corsairs move to within 6 inches of my shield wall but not the guys with the throwing weapons behind them. A captain with the arbalesters on my right moves to intercept the helminguys trying to get across the board.
In the shoot phase I kill one pirate on the left, corsair arbalesters dismount another RoR on the right while killing one helminguy in the middle with a lucky shot through the forest, on my right they kill two helminguys innocently trying to get across the board.
Helminguys wonder why the pirates are sponsored by CutCo, they soon find out why as two are downed by the sharp knives.
Turn four-Corsairs
Dalamyr charges the left flank of the helminguys in the middle. CutCo claims another two victims. A reaver and some pirates stay in the woods to intercept my RoE.
Pirates and reavers on my left move forward. Arbalesters on my left move to the right. One arbalester on my left moves forward with their captain to intercept former RoR who are coming at them.
I charge corsairs/reavers on my left with 4 RoR and one on foot. Move to contain Dalamyr's group in the middle, my TW kill one corsair as they charge middle groups left flank. Move RoE further into woods. Move erkenbrand across the board to protect the innocent helminguys trying to get off the board and to attack those arbalesters moving across the board.
Arbalesters kill erks horse.
In combat I lose 2 RoR on my left who charged, they can not win the fight, even with two attacks. One manages to kill a corsair.
Lose a lot in the middle, can’t remember total, three I think. Still can not win fights ( most of my warriors are f3, his are f4/5).
Turn-5 Corsairs
I call heroic move with Grimbold, use it to charge into the middle again to try and contain dalamyr's group. Move one RoE out of the forest to back up erk and innocent helminguys trying to get off the board. My TW are not doing to hot.
Corsairs surround the remaining RoR and rohan warriors on my left, while dalamyr's group fully engages my middle troops. Arbalester and captain on my right charge former RoR warriors again.
Move erk into contact with reaver who was trying to intercept innocent helminguys trying to get off the board. Move some middle guys to help surrounded RoR and WoR charged by corsairs and reavers on my left.
In combat I am losing 2:1.
Turn 6 Rohan ( getting fuzzy, there was a lot going on too )
Move two innocent helminguys trying to get off the board off the board. I break in the middle of this turn, but I did not realize it. Erk and RoE charge Arbalesters who were moving across the board from my left. Move former RoR away from arbalesters on right towards board edge. Move former RoR on my left into one corsair (there are still 4 corsairs and 2 reavers here), those middle guys who were sent to help on the left , to the left some more. Charge into middle group again, one RoE and Grimbold charge his left flank guys.
Most of my heroes do well in combat, still lose about 2:1 though, especially in the middle. Killed two of his arbalesters that were moving across the board with erk and RoE.
Turn 7 – Rohan
At this point I was almost at 25%, I had 2 models off the table and he had none. He was at 50%, every time he won a fight he chose not to land a blow, to keep the game going. I killed a couple of more corsairs, including another 2 arbalesters that had been moving across the board.
Turn 8- Corsair
Almost a repeat of last turn, except he moved his models on my left flank closer to the board edge and tried to ignore my models, he was close to getting five off the board.
I sent my RoE into his arbalesters on his left side and moved erk and the dismounted RoR closer to the board edge. Killed some more of his corsairs but not enough to get him to 25%.
Turn 9 Rohan
I charge his arbalesters on his left with a RoE, move erk and the former RoR closer to the edge while charging into the corsairs/dalamyr/bosun in the middle. He moves 2 models off the board edge with another 3 close behind. He does not shoot and during combat I kill another 2 of his models but any combat the corsairs win they do not strike blows.
Turn 10 Rohan
I move Erkenbrand and the former RoR off the board and that ends the game since I have less than 9 models left on the board.
Minor Victory for me. GG Maniacmime.
However, things may have been different had I remembered to start courage checks at the 50% mark, but then again, maybe not since erkenbrand would have been close enough to keep the innocent helminguys trying to get off the board on the board long enough to get off the board. On another note, corsairs are cheap, F4, D3, throwing weapon equipped warriors who cost the same as a wood elf with no equipment. Reavers are also a good buy with F5, TW and 2A. Maniacmime used no might the entire game even though I think he had 2 with a captain and 1 with Dalamyr.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
New WoTR scenario and Base Modeling at the mothership
Scenario is here
Sounds like a fun one.
The Base Modeling one is a great one, reading through it makes my snow bases more likely to happen.
Sounds like a fun one.
The Base Modeling one is a great one, reading through it makes my snow bases more likely to happen.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
FTW Games grand opening
This Friday June 4th FTW Games will be open for the first time! Hours are 2pm to 10pm.
FTW Games will carry Vallejo Paint, micro art studio bases/bits, Infinity, Warmachine, Sabol Army Transport, Army Painter, Games Workshop, Gale Force 9, Battlefoam, Magic, Comics and Flames of War.
Link to a previous post about the new store.
FTW Games
13176 Midlothian Turnpike
Midlothian, VA 23113
FTW Games will carry Vallejo Paint, micro art studio bases/bits, Infinity, Warmachine, Sabol Army Transport, Army Painter, Games Workshop, Gale Force 9, Battlefoam, Magic, Comics and Flames of War.
Link to a previous post about the new store.
FTW Games
13176 Midlothian Turnpike
Midlothian, VA 23113
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Yet another article for LoTR on the mothership homepage
We have really been given all kinds of fun stuff lately. Here is an article about painted wizards and here is an article about the heroes of Gondor and Arnor. Mentions are a couple of the new Faramir model rules as well as some others. In the article they talk about the advantages of the heroes for both WoTR and SBG.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Super Secret SBG rules for new releases
Thanks once again goes out to grashnar the second from the last alliance. Clarifications in bold
Faramir is a lot stronger(more attacks, wounds and defense), but overpriced(same as a troll drummer). He has an extended stand fast.
Duinhir ignores difficult terrain and causes D3 wounds with shooting against monsters rather than 1.
Blackroot Vale archers have a separate entry. They are basically rangers with lower Fight and Courage, but get to re-roll wounds against monsters when shooting. They do not carry longbows and cannot carry spears. They cost the same as regular Rangers.
Mauhur and his Marauders ignore difficult terrain and move 7".(like Helmingas they cost 1 extra point)
The Dwimmerlaik has a two-handed sword and forces heroes to spend another Might, Will or Fate on a 4+ or their action fails and any MWF comitted is lost.
The drummer does not get rules. Morgul Knights do not get banners.
Faramir is a lot stronger(more attacks, wounds and defense), but overpriced(same as a troll drummer). He has an extended stand fast.
Duinhir ignores difficult terrain and causes D3 wounds with shooting against monsters rather than 1.
Blackroot Vale archers have a separate entry. They are basically rangers with lower Fight and Courage, but get to re-roll wounds against monsters when shooting. They do not carry longbows and cannot carry spears. They cost the same as regular Rangers.
Mauhur and his Marauders ignore difficult terrain and move 7".(like Helmingas they cost 1 extra point)
The Dwimmerlaik has a two-handed sword and forces heroes to spend another Might, Will or Fate on a 4+ or their action fails and any MWF comitted is lost.
The drummer does not get rules. Morgul Knights do not get banners.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
New Hobby/Game store opening
Stoney Point Refugee poster/member Rob Baer has decided to take the plunge and open up a hobby/game store. He is planning on having at least six tables and a paint bar. The store will be located in Casey's neck of the woods. Link to the thread over at SPR.
View Larger Map
View Larger Map
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Yet another article-Minas Morgul
The mothership must be trying to get this whole Lord of The Rings thing out of their system before 8th edition comes out. We have been flooded with articles and releases over the past several months.
Here is the Minus Morgul article by Adam Troke.
Here is the Minus Morgul article by Adam Troke.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
GW price increase
WoTR/SBG article at GW main site
A nice article from the mother ship about Dol Amroth and the fiefdoms.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
BFG Modeling Competition
The annual modeling and painting competition for BFG is now open.
More information here.
And yes, there are prizes!
More information here.
And yes, there are prizes!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Campaign Rules: Spring 2010 Season
Force Composition:
Army list is per Legion rules with regard to bow limits and allies.
A base of 1 Command Points with an additional Command Point per 150 pts of force. Host is allow to grant an additional Command Point to all players.
Command Points (CPs) allows the following as applied to your force:
For every one CP one unnamed hero selection may be taken in your force.
For every two CPs one named hero selection may be taken in your force. Nazguls will be considered named.
For every two CPs one unnamed ally hero selection may be taken in your force
For every three CPS one named ally hero selection may be taken in your force.
Note, a siege captain is considered an unnamed captain of that list.
Campaign games:
Campaign games are limited by the force composition restriction as above.
Scenario, victory condition, and game size will be determined by whoever hosts.
Each winner will be given 2 Victory Points (VPs); each tie will earn 1 VP.
The player with the highest VP total at the end of the campaign season will be the winner. A minimum of 6 games played is required before declaring yourself the winner.
Prize for winning will be a set of the new Ruins of Osgiliath.
Tactical use of VPs.
Instead of saving your VPs, you can elect to spend them in a game. Once spent, they are permanently deducted from your total VPs.
Each VP can be translated to a CP for that game and that game only. Thus if you think it will allow a victory (thus a net of 1 VP) in your game it might be worthwhile.
Army list is per Legion rules with regard to bow limits and allies.
A base of 1 Command Points with an additional Command Point per 150 pts of force. Host is allow to grant an additional Command Point to all players.
Command Points (CPs) allows the following as applied to your force:
For every one CP one unnamed hero selection may be taken in your force.
For every two CPs one named hero selection may be taken in your force. Nazguls will be considered named.
For every two CPs one unnamed ally hero selection may be taken in your force
For every three CPS one named ally hero selection may be taken in your force.
Note, a siege captain is considered an unnamed captain of that list.
Campaign games:
Campaign games are limited by the force composition restriction as above.
Scenario, victory condition, and game size will be determined by whoever hosts.
Each winner will be given 2 Victory Points (VPs); each tie will earn 1 VP.
The player with the highest VP total at the end of the campaign season will be the winner. A minimum of 6 games played is required before declaring yourself the winner.
Prize for winning will be a set of the new Ruins of Osgiliath.
Tactical use of VPs.
Instead of saving your VPs, you can elect to spend them in a game. Once spent, they are permanently deducted from your total VPs.
Each VP can be translated to a CP for that game and that game only. Thus if you think it will allow a victory (thus a net of 1 VP) in your game it might be worthwhile.
Ill met by moon river
Terrain: A river bend is bridged in the center and with two other crossing points on either side. The river itself was considered shallow and treated as difficult terrain.
Scenario: Ill met by moonlight. However, it was modified for a three way fight.
The forces:
Chris: from Mordor with Kardush, Morannon orc captain, more Morannon orcs and warg riders
Huan: from Gondor with fountain guards, 1 captain, 1 siege captain, fountain guards with shields, avenger and a few bowmen.
Joe: from the 2nd age with Gimli and dwarves as well as a stormcaller and wood elves
Deployment: Chris in bottom left near bend of river; Huan in bottom right also near next bend of river; Joe center top on the other side of river.
Chris advanced toward Huan as he withdraw back some; Joe advanced broadly. Shooting. Chris and Huan finally clashed near the bridge, but Chris retains access to cross bridge. Storm caller attempts to flank Huan by crossing river in the upper right while Gimli takes a more direct route across the river rather than by bridge. Surprisingly shooting by Huan takes a toll on Joe. The melee was back and forth but higher fight value and defense of the fountain guard made things difficult for Chris, but Chris held his own against Joe. Kardush amusingly sacrificed 2 orcs to maintain will power, and in turn takes out two fountain guards. By end of game, both Chris and Joe were broken.
We decided not to make it count as part of our campaign, especially since it was a three way fight.
Scenario: Ill met by moonlight. However, it was modified for a three way fight.
The forces:
Chris: from Mordor with Kardush, Morannon orc captain, more Morannon orcs and warg riders
Huan: from Gondor with fountain guards, 1 captain, 1 siege captain, fountain guards with shields, avenger and a few bowmen.
Joe: from the 2nd age with Gimli and dwarves as well as a stormcaller and wood elves
Deployment: Chris in bottom left near bend of river; Huan in bottom right also near next bend of river; Joe center top on the other side of river.
Chris advanced toward Huan as he withdraw back some; Joe advanced broadly. Shooting. Chris and Huan finally clashed near the bridge, but Chris retains access to cross bridge. Storm caller attempts to flank Huan by crossing river in the upper right while Gimli takes a more direct route across the river rather than by bridge. Surprisingly shooting by Huan takes a toll on Joe. The melee was back and forth but higher fight value and defense of the fountain guard made things difficult for Chris, but Chris held his own against Joe. Kardush amusingly sacrificed 2 orcs to maintain will power, and in turn takes out two fountain guards. By end of game, both Chris and Joe were broken.
We decided not to make it count as part of our campaign, especially since it was a three way fight.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
A little somethin somethin about Battlehosts
Lifted from warseer c/o Reinholt
I have highlighted some interesting bits:
Battlehosts are self-contained formations that work as follows:
1 - The cost of the formation is xx points + the cost of the units within the battlehost.
2 - The contents of any battlehost are as follows: one or more epic heroes / legendary formations, one or more standard formations, and one or more optional formations. Each formation is listed with the number of companies that may be taken, so for example, the Swan Knights battlehost might include Imrahil between 2-4 formations of Knights of Dol Amroth (with 3+ companies per formation) and 0-2 formations of Men at Arms of Dol Amroth (with 2+ companies per formation). Note: These are not the actual numbers, just examples.
3 - Each battlehost has special rules that apply to the units within the battlehost, and sometimes pertain to being within a certain range of the leader of the battlehost (or with that character in the unit).
4 - There are a set of fortunes and fates specific to each army that may only be taken if a battlehost for that army is taken. As an example, the Gondor & Arnor fates may only be taken if a Gondor & Arnor battlehost is included in the army.
5 - Battlehosts do not count towards the decree of rarity, and stand outside the usual organization, similar to a Legendary formation. However, taking a battlehost from another army list means that the entire cost of the battlehost counts against the allies allowance.
6 - There are way more than 10 battlehosts. I clearly don't recall them all (so this list is not exhaustive), but here are some that I recall:
Gondor & Arnor:
- Knights of Minas Tirith with Faramir as the leader
- A Swan Knights formation with Imrahil as the leader
- The defenders of Minas Tirith with Gandalf and Peregrine Took
- Denethor's personal guard, with both Faramir and Boromir, as well as several of the elite Gondor units (like the guardians of the fountain court)
- A ranger-heavy formation with the Ithilien rangers led by Faramir
- The united fiefdoms force led by Forlong the Fat including axemen, clansmen, and the blackroot vale archers
- Theoden and his personal bodyguard
- Erkenbrand along with either Erkenbrand's riders or riders of rohan (who have the spectacular special rule that the units in the battlehost fight at the same time as monsters)
- Eomer's riders, with gandalf and riders of rohan allowed in the formation
Elven Kingdoms:
- A wood elf heavy battlehost with wood elves, sentinels, the option to take legolas, and thranduil as the leader
- A rivendell based list with Gildor, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, and multiple high elf units
- A lothlorien list led by Galadriel and Celeborn with multiple galadhrim formations allowed
- Haldir's elves at helm's deep, with Haldir leading and Galadhrim infantry as the bulk of the formation
Dwarf Holds:
- An Erebor list led by Dain, with a large smattering of dwarves as the choices
- Drar's hunters, with more dwarf rangers (I recall them having a few very interesting special rules, such as 6" move for the units in the formation and master pathfinders, as well as the ability to move 6" and still shoot bows)
Forgotten Kingdoms:
- The last march of the ents (treebeard plus many ents)
- The shire's defense forces (with multiple hobbit formations, gandalf, and some of the other hobbits)
- The gorgoroth horde (a 12-18 company formation of orcs, with potentially multiple captains and all weapon options considered to be had by the formation - sword/shield, bow, two-handed weapons)
- A winged nazgul formation
- The fortress of barad-dur (led by the mouth, with orcs and black guard, as well as some black numenoreans)
- Morgul rats (stalkers, Gorbag's guys, and more orcs)
- Shagrat's guard at cirith ungol
- Gothmog's boys (multiple units of morannon orcs and gothmog)
- A siege formation of orcs (gothmog, grishnak, flaming catapults that ignore cover, orcs, and trolls)
- A formation of multiple units of Morgul Knights led by either the dark marshal or the Mouth.
- The fighting uruk-hai led by saruman
- A scouting formation led by lurtz, with multiple uruk-hai scout units, possibly including ugluk and mauhir
- A scouting formation led by Ugluk, with the capture hobbits from Amon Hen, including some orc units, Mauhir, and scouts (with multiple special rules, including D10 vs. shooting at the units with hobbits in them to represent heroes not wanting to shoot the hobbits, the ability to eat orcs to feed the uruk-hai, and Mauhir's boys ambushing)
- A siege formation led by Vrashku
Misty Mountains:
- A misty mountains formation of massed goblins led by Durburz or a Balrog
- A misty mountains formation of beasts led by Druzhag
Fallen Realms:
- Khamul leading Kataphrakts, Archers, and Warriors for the Easterlings
- Suladan leading serpent guard
- Dalamyr leading a corsair army (with the corsairs gaining berserk, making them actually worth fielding, though needing to be within 12" of Dalamyr or having an increased chance of hurting themselves when berserk) of normal corsairs and arbalesters
- The Betrayer and/or the Knight of Umbar leading a combined force of Harad
- The Gold King of Abrakhan (with special rules similar to his LotR Skirmish rules) leading Haradrim, with Khandish allies and half-trolls possible
- A Mahud Warband (with a mumak)
- A tide of mumaks (3-6, if I recall)
- A watchers of karna themed battlehost (where the units gain enchanted cloaks)
- A formation of carn-dum barbarians and angmar orcs led by the Witch King
- A spirit heavy formation led by the Tainted and/or the Dwimmerlaik with multiple special rules for the spirits to increase their effectiveness (more strength near the Tainted, more defense near the Dwimmerlaik, with shades that do not impact the ability of the spirits, only non-battlehost units)
- Burhdur's warband (with everything ambushing, and units from the misty mountains rolled in and not counting against the allies allowance)
Overall, the book seemed pretty well balanced. I didn't see too many things that were pointed poorly, and some of the weaker choices in War of the Ring (corsairs, spirits, some of the gondor formations) got major boosts by being part of the battlehost that they are included in, giving a much stronger reason to field these units.
I have highlighted some interesting bits:
Battlehosts are self-contained formations that work as follows:
1 - The cost of the formation is xx points + the cost of the units within the battlehost.
2 - The contents of any battlehost are as follows: one or more epic heroes / legendary formations, one or more standard formations, and one or more optional formations. Each formation is listed with the number of companies that may be taken, so for example, the Swan Knights battlehost might include Imrahil between 2-4 formations of Knights of Dol Amroth (with 3+ companies per formation) and 0-2 formations of Men at Arms of Dol Amroth (with 2+ companies per formation). Note: These are not the actual numbers, just examples.
3 - Each battlehost has special rules that apply to the units within the battlehost, and sometimes pertain to being within a certain range of the leader of the battlehost (or with that character in the unit).
4 - There are a set of fortunes and fates specific to each army that may only be taken if a battlehost for that army is taken. As an example, the Gondor & Arnor fates may only be taken if a Gondor & Arnor battlehost is included in the army.
5 - Battlehosts do not count towards the decree of rarity, and stand outside the usual organization, similar to a Legendary formation. However, taking a battlehost from another army list means that the entire cost of the battlehost counts against the allies allowance.
6 - There are way more than 10 battlehosts. I clearly don't recall them all (so this list is not exhaustive), but here are some that I recall:
Gondor & Arnor:
- Knights of Minas Tirith with Faramir as the leader
- A Swan Knights formation with Imrahil as the leader
- The defenders of Minas Tirith with Gandalf and Peregrine Took
- Denethor's personal guard, with both Faramir and Boromir, as well as several of the elite Gondor units (like the guardians of the fountain court)
- A ranger-heavy formation with the Ithilien rangers led by Faramir
- The united fiefdoms force led by Forlong the Fat including axemen, clansmen, and the blackroot vale archers
- Theoden and his personal bodyguard
- Erkenbrand along with either Erkenbrand's riders or riders of rohan (who have the spectacular special rule that the units in the battlehost fight at the same time as monsters)
- Eomer's riders, with gandalf and riders of rohan allowed in the formation
Elven Kingdoms:
- A wood elf heavy battlehost with wood elves, sentinels, the option to take legolas, and thranduil as the leader
- A rivendell based list with Gildor, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, and multiple high elf units
- A lothlorien list led by Galadriel and Celeborn with multiple galadhrim formations allowed
- Haldir's elves at helm's deep, with Haldir leading and Galadhrim infantry as the bulk of the formation
Dwarf Holds:
- An Erebor list led by Dain, with a large smattering of dwarves as the choices
- Drar's hunters, with more dwarf rangers (I recall them having a few very interesting special rules, such as 6" move for the units in the formation and master pathfinders, as well as the ability to move 6" and still shoot bows)
Forgotten Kingdoms:
- The last march of the ents (treebeard plus many ents)
- The shire's defense forces (with multiple hobbit formations, gandalf, and some of the other hobbits)
- The gorgoroth horde (a 12-18 company formation of orcs, with potentially multiple captains and all weapon options considered to be had by the formation - sword/shield, bow, two-handed weapons)
- A winged nazgul formation
- The fortress of barad-dur (led by the mouth, with orcs and black guard, as well as some black numenoreans)
- Morgul rats (stalkers, Gorbag's guys, and more orcs)
- Shagrat's guard at cirith ungol
- Gothmog's boys (multiple units of morannon orcs and gothmog)
- A siege formation of orcs (gothmog, grishnak, flaming catapults that ignore cover, orcs, and trolls)
- A formation of multiple units of Morgul Knights led by either the dark marshal or the Mouth.
- The fighting uruk-hai led by saruman
- A scouting formation led by lurtz, with multiple uruk-hai scout units, possibly including ugluk and mauhir
- A scouting formation led by Ugluk, with the capture hobbits from Amon Hen, including some orc units, Mauhir, and scouts (with multiple special rules, including D10 vs. shooting at the units with hobbits in them to represent heroes not wanting to shoot the hobbits, the ability to eat orcs to feed the uruk-hai, and Mauhir's boys ambushing)
- A siege formation led by Vrashku
Misty Mountains:
- A misty mountains formation of massed goblins led by Durburz or a Balrog
- A misty mountains formation of beasts led by Druzhag
Fallen Realms:
- Khamul leading Kataphrakts, Archers, and Warriors for the Easterlings
- Suladan leading serpent guard
- Dalamyr leading a corsair army (with the corsairs gaining berserk, making them actually worth fielding, though needing to be within 12" of Dalamyr or having an increased chance of hurting themselves when berserk) of normal corsairs and arbalesters
- The Betrayer and/or the Knight of Umbar leading a combined force of Harad
- The Gold King of Abrakhan (with special rules similar to his LotR Skirmish rules) leading Haradrim, with Khandish allies and half-trolls possible
- A Mahud Warband (with a mumak)
- A tide of mumaks (3-6, if I recall)
- A watchers of karna themed battlehost (where the units gain enchanted cloaks)
- A formation of carn-dum barbarians and angmar orcs led by the Witch King
- A spirit heavy formation led by the Tainted and/or the Dwimmerlaik with multiple special rules for the spirits to increase their effectiveness (more strength near the Tainted, more defense near the Dwimmerlaik, with shades that do not impact the ability of the spirits, only non-battlehost units)
- Burhdur's warband (with everything ambushing, and units from the misty mountains rolled in and not counting against the allies allowance)
Overall, the book seemed pretty well balanced. I didn't see too many things that were pointed poorly, and some of the weaker choices in War of the Ring (corsairs, spirits, some of the gondor formations) got major boosts by being part of the battlehost that they are included in, giving a much stronger reason to field these units.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Available for advance order
All those great rumors are now available for advance orders. The osgiliath terrain looks nice, like the dwimmerlaik on foot but not the mounted version, I also like the new faramir. What do you guys think?
Friday, April 2, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
BFG 2010.03.25 & Fleet Builds
So we played BFG last night and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. For those that have not built their Imperial or Chaos cruisers, one way to decide which cruiser to build would be to consider which battleship you might want in the future. It will be highly unlikely to field more than one battleship in a game. Thus if you want a carrier as a battleship, build no more than one cruiser as a carrier. If you want a gunship as your battleship, then at least one, if not two, of the cruisers should be carriers.
Chaos have 3 battleships available: the Despoiler (carrier), the Desolator (gunship), and the Planet Killer (gunship)
Imperial Navy has 5 battleships available: the Emperor (carrier), the Retribution (gunship), the Apocalypse (gunship), the Oberon (gunship-carrier mix), and allied Space Marine Battlebarge (gunship-carrier mix).
Necron, Tau, Corsair Eldar all only have one battleship choice.
Chaos have 3 battleships available: the Despoiler (carrier), the Desolator (gunship), and the Planet Killer (gunship)
Imperial Navy has 5 battleships available: the Emperor (carrier), the Retribution (gunship), the Apocalypse (gunship), the Oberon (gunship-carrier mix), and allied Space Marine Battlebarge (gunship-carrier mix).
Necron, Tau, Corsair Eldar all only have one battleship choice.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
New Morgul and Swan Knight Minis


So this is either a command pack or they will have options for a horn blower/musician and a banner bearer.
On a further note, other things that are to appear soon:
Blackroot Vale Archers
Ruins of osgiliath terrain kit (whoops aristo)
Faramir captain of osgiliath
Also, the source books will be going direct only. So pick them up in a store now and save on the shipping.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
BFG Gaming
BFG gaming session announced for 3/25/2010. Points? 600? 750?
Update: lets do a fleet between 600 and 700 pts.
Update: lets do a fleet between 600 and 700 pts.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
LotR Heroes & Evil Shooting
Two thoughts.
1. Heroes work best in pair, especially when one is a strong fighter and the other a supportive hero.
2. To counter higher fight value models by outnumbering, it only works with increasing shooting, i.e. shooting is the counter to fight.
1. Heroes work best in pair, especially when one is a strong fighter and the other a supportive hero.
2. To counter higher fight value models by outnumbering, it only works with increasing shooting, i.e. shooting is the counter to fight.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Rumor of new plastic kits.
So with the new battlehosts supplement coming in may it looks like GW will have some new models outside the current metals.
Rumor is that there will be plastic swan knights as well as plastic morgul knights. Is it true? Sounds like a good idea but we will have to wait.
Rumor is that there will be plastic swan knights as well as plastic morgul knights. Is it true? Sounds like a good idea but we will have to wait.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
New Rohan and Dunland SBG rules in brief
Here they are thanks to Grashnar again.
I was thinking of starting dunland a little while ago because no one plays them and I just started some rohan. Looks like Thrydan and Grimbold will be in m y mailbox soon :).
I was thinking of starting dunland a little while ago because no one plays them and I just started some rohan. Looks like Thrydan and Grimbold will be in m y mailbox soon :).
Friday, February 5, 2010
Priming with Gesso and some stripping
Most of the article spoke about using black acrylic gesso(liquitex brand) to prime. I have been trying to find a way to use the white gesso(also liquitex) in the same manner. The white does not share the shrink to fit property of the black gesso. To account for that I have tried diluting the white gesso with water about 1:2 water:gesso. So far this has produced some good results. The following pictures are of a dwarf warrior that was stripped using 50/50 pine-sol:water. The first pic is pre gesso, the next is right after application and the final pic is after drying (with a king done earlier). The drying is done fairly quickly but I usually wait overnight before painting. It takes very little of this mixture to coat the miniature. While not as fast as spray priming, doing this allows easy priming anytime anywhere, is non-toxic, water soluble and can be removed by pine-sol stripping. It looks like a reverse wash, it makes the deeper recess look white instead of dark. The details are still there as you can see. The only issue is this: it is easy to put on too much. Just dip the very end of a medium flat brush into the gesso and you will be able to cover about 50% of a typical 25mm model. Getting excess off is easy, just wipe it off or take a brush that is dry and soak it up. Any big bubbles have always popped, while small bubbles go away by blowing on them, yes blowing.
So I took some pics of pine sol stripped vs simple green stripped mini's some of finished models. Head on over to Stoney point refugees for a post on simple green. The model on the far left is pine-sol, next simple green, then new, then primed with black gesso, then white gesso. Next pic is finished product.


Saturday, January 30, 2010
WotR: Forging of Fates
Forging of Fates is a 2000 points WorR tournament judged on wins alone (rather than the more nebulous painting and sportsmanship scores included in Grand Tournaments). It consist of preliminary games on February 6. Winners will advance to semifinals on March 6 with the finals in Chicago March 6. It appears our closet location for the preliminary is at Atlantis Comics (Virginia Beach at 757-479-5400 or Norfolk at 757-502-8954).
More info:
Tournament Rules.
Tournament Flyer.
More info:
Tournament Rules.
Tournament Flyer.
BFG 2010.01.28
some thought s about last night's game
1. hope everyone enjoyed the game enough for a future repeat
2. though imperials won, we fielded about 1300 pts to chaos/necron 1100 pts. i would say we tied.
3. all special orders should have been declared in the beginning of the movement phase
4. brace for impact should be declared before any dice are rolled (attacking or defending as in turrets)
5. necron lightning arc uses the gunnery table to determine the # of dice to roll to hit (all targets are closing)
6. necron gauss particle weapons are lances (4+ to hit) with a roll of 6 ignoring shields
7. for each strength of portals a necron ship has, an additional teleport attack can be made. Each scythes can thus make 3 attacks per turn.
8. imperial lunar cruisers can exchange prow torpedoes for prow nova cannons for +20 pts per ship
BFG Scenario Rules.
1. hope everyone enjoyed the game enough for a future repeat
2. though imperials won, we fielded about 1300 pts to chaos/necron 1100 pts. i would say we tied.
3. all special orders should have been declared in the beginning of the movement phase
4. brace for impact should be declared before any dice are rolled (attacking or defending as in turrets)
5. necron lightning arc uses the gunnery table to determine the # of dice to roll to hit (all targets are closing)
6. necron gauss particle weapons are lances (4+ to hit) with a roll of 6 ignoring shields
7. for each strength of portals a necron ship has, an additional teleport attack can be made. Each scythes can thus make 3 attacks per turn.
8. imperial lunar cruisers can exchange prow torpedoes for prow nova cannons for +20 pts per ship
BFG Scenario Rules.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Stony Point Refugees
I got this email from Casey Christopher the other night.
He also suggested that we set up LotR gaming demos. Thoughts?
Hi there. My name is Casey Christopher, and I am sending this to you representing a gaming club called Stony Point Refugees. Most of you had put your email address in a list at Games Workshop, that they had assembled when they knew they were leaving. It was called the Stony Point Community Contact List... Some of you I just had in my email contacts also.
Basically, we are a gaming club, formed out of the ashes of what was once Games Workshop, at Stony Point. Our mission is to simply provide a friendly club, where others who wish to game or hobby in the Richmond greater area, and even those far away, can participate in helping, teaching, providing places to play, discussing hobby related issues, and more.
We do this through our forums, which can be found at the link,
We are an ever growing community, with over a hundred members now, that all have one thing in common, gaming/hobbying. If you have a desire to play, hobby, trade, sell, talk, or just hang out, we welcome you and hope that you find us helpful and hopeful for the future of gaming in our area.
If you are indeed interested, please take a moment when you login to our forums, and introduce yourself in the "new members" subforum. Its quite possible you will reconnect with some of your old friends. =)
We keep the site clean, friendly, and just ask for people to show respect and be civil with each other. Think PG 13...
We hope you find us helpful, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask either myself, a council member, or a moderator any questions, and we will leap to the opportunity to assist you.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Casey Christopher
He also suggested that we set up LotR gaming demos. Thoughts?
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